Action for happinessAction for happiness

Action for happiness

Our Efforts to Connect Coffee
to Lots of Happiness.

Our aim is to be a company
 that can contribute to creating a sustainable environment
 and prosperous society through “better actions.”

We consider our underlying approach to corporate governance
 to be the key to taking better actions.

Our mission is to play a part in realizing
 a better environment and society through committing to fair
 and sound management along with proper and honest decision-making.

Through the creation and development of coffee culture,
 we will continue to make every possible effort to bring forth much happiness.

Learn about our initiatives in this video

For "Environment"For "Environment"

For "Environment"

In consideration of the future of our planet, we will actively engage in eco-friendly activities and the effective use of limited resources.

  • Delivering a cup of coffee with the future in mind Delivering a cup of coffee with the future in mind

    Delivering a cup of coffee with the future in mind

    We are delivering a carefully selected cup of coffee from farms that continue to engage in sustainable coffee production.

  • Reuse of Coffee Grounds Reuse of Coffee Grounds

    Reuse of Coffee Grounds

    We recycle the coffee grounds that come out after brewing coffee as fertilizer.

  • Reducing Food Loss Reducing Food Loss

    Reducing Food Loss

    We are making efforts to reduce food loss by introducing an “Eco-friendly" sticker on sandwiches.

For "Society"For "Society"

For "Society"

We will cultivate a warm connection between the “city” and “people” and build a community that can contribute to the city.

  • Establishing a Roastery Where People with Disabilities Can Work with Peace of Mind Establishing a Roastery Where People with Disabilities Can Work with Peace of Mind

    Establishing a Roastery Where People with Disabilities Can Work with Peace of Mind

    At our Tokyo Head Office, we have established a roastery where people with disabilities (CU Crew) perform such duties as roasting and packaging coffee.

  • Providing a Place for Job Experience Providing a Place for Job Experience

    Providing a Place for Job Experience

    We have partnered with local schools to provide a place for people to experience the fun and joy of working in the food service business.

  • Community Cleanup Activities Community Cleanup Activities

    Community Cleanup Activities

    We will engage in community cleanup activities, valuing warm interaction with everyone in the neighboring community.

For "governance"For "governance"

For "Governance"

Through activities based on our
management philosophy,
we have developed a variety of structures
and systems to ensure fair
and highly transparent corporate operations.

  • Instilling Our Management Philosophy and Policies Instilling Our Management Philosophy and Policies

    Instilling Our Management Philosophy and Policies

    We are working to deepen understanding by ensuring that the essence of our management philosophy and policies are grasped and that actions are taken based on them.

  • Promoting Highly Transparent Management Promoting Highly Transparent Management

    Promoting Highly Transparent Management

    We strive to continuously reinforce our governance systems to ensure fair operations in management.

  • Developing Safe and Secure Workplace Environments Developing Safe and Secure Workplace Environments

    Developing Safe and Secure Workplace Environments

    We are engaged in initiatives to improve the working environment and to maintain and promote good health to allow our staff to continue to work comfortably and in strong mental and physical health.

Special MovieLearn about our initiatives in this video

We present a special movie about our environmental,
social, and governance initiatives.

  • Environment Section

  • Society Section

  • Governance Section